Maaspoortpassage 1,
5911HC Venlo
5911HC Venlo
Venlo Center
Quickly accessible from highways
Theaterhotel Venlo
Would you like to enjoy the luxury of Theaterhotel Venlo? Would you like to take advantage of the attractive packages that the hotel offers in collaboration with Theater de Maaspoort? Would you like to make the most of the impressive gastronomic luxury of the restaurants in the theater complex? Or do you 'just' want to enjoy a wonderful weekend of everything that a city out of thousands has to offer.
Please contact the Theaterhotel and we will arrange everything for you. We are happy to receive you and will unburden you from the first to the last minute.
The main entrance of Theaterhotel Venlo is located on the Markt. The address of this is:
Maaspoortpassage 1
5911 HC, Venlo
Maaspoortpassage 1
5911 HC, Venlo
Parking garage
We also offer parking spaces, subject to availability. You must book this in advance via this link, kosten hiervoor zijn €17,50 per nacht. Het adres van de parkeergarage is:
Peperstraat 27
5911 HA, Venlo

You can reach us via the contact form above, or by telephone on +31 (0)77 206 6666. Of course you can also send an email to
You can reserve a hotel room via the Book Now button. You will find this at the top of your screen.
Theaterhotel Venlo is located on the Markt in Venlo with address: Maaspoortpassage 1, 5911HC Venlo.
Theaterhotel Venlo is within walking distance of all major facilities of the city. The hotel is located on the Markt, near the attractive harbor and shopping area and offers attractive and affordable luxury with 42 stylish rooms that are all equipped with all amenities.
Route vanuit snelweg A67, vanuit Eindhoven of Düsseldorf.
- Neem afslag 40-VELDEN op de A67
- Sla rechtsaf naar Nijmeegseweg / N271 (signalering Venlo)
- Sla rechtsaf naar Van der Grintenstraat
- Sla links af naar Sint Urbanusweg
- Ga rechts op de rotonde naar Maaskade
- Sla linksaf naar Peperstraat en aan het einde van de straat vindt u de parkeergarage aan uw rechterhand
You can reserve a parking space. This can be here or select a parking space when making your reservation.